Getting started

This plugin is currently in alpha state. It is not recommended to rely on this plugin in production.
This plugin requires an instance with InvenTree 0.13.0 or higher and plugin support.

Enables "sharing" of certain stock items between multiple InvenTree instances. There are some known limitations in the current implementation.

General information about InvenHost

The InvenHost project aims to provide a set of plugins and service that enhance InvenTree for commercial and enterprise use cases.

Read more about InvenHost in the main project documentation



Use cases

These use cases guided the development of this plugin. New additions to the plugin should not conflict with these use cases. If they do the reason needs to be documented.

In the following Party A is the InvenTree instance of the makerspace of the main user. Party B is the InvenTree instance of the makerspace of the user’s friend/friendly hack. All descriptions are from the perspective of the main user. The parties trust each other. Party C is another makerspace that is not trusted by/known to the main user. Party x means any trusted party.

UC 1: Federation setup


UC 2: Party A sends item to party B


UC 3: Party B request item from party A


UC 4: Party x requests inventory stats from party x


UC 5: Federation stop


Design decisions

  1. The plugin should follow InvenHost best practices

  2. The plugin should not use migrations

  3. The plugin should expose a reusable REST API

  4. The user interface is to be implemented in CUI till PUI is GA

  5. Data is to be stored in metadata

  6. Changes to stock etc. are to be tracked in the history

  7. Each Federated party is to have it’s own customer

Known Limitations

UC 6: Party A sends to party B sends to party C

Not allowed. Only direct connections are allowed currently as the plugin does not keep track of the full chain of ownership.

Multi step/dynamic approval process

This is out of scope currently. Might be possible once the inventree-approvals plugins is GA.

The auth tokens need to be updated yearly

The default for 0.13.0 is that the auth tokens are valid for 1 year. This means that the auth tokens for all connections need to be updated yearly. This is an acceptable tradeoff for the current implementation.


This plugin is mainly developed to address the ask for federation in upstream InvenTree. The idea is that multiple makerspaces would like to be able to share selected tools and inventory states between each other. This plugin is a first step towards that goal. The use cases were worked on at 37c3.